Why do folks always write these blurbs in the 3rd-person?

I'm a Customer Centric Professional from Iowa with a focus on supporting services used by software developers. My goal is to bring out the best in others. I believe that the only way to be successful in a customer facing role is to empower the customer and your colleagues to be more successful.

Currently, I'm a Customer Success Engineer at Resend (Email API), helping build the future of developer experience around email.

Previously, I was as a Customer Success Manager and Lead at Postmark (Email API), where I:

Before Postmark, I supported multiple products at Wildbit:

I like coffee. My recipe is:

Outside of work, you can find me playing board games, hanging out with my wife, biking across Iowa, or working on projects around the house.

Want to chat? Follow me on Twitter. Or send me an email at [email protected].


This site is built with Tachyons and Jekyll. Currently it's hosted and deployed on Netlify, SSL from Cloudflare, and GitHub hosting the repository.